Course program


Program of Lectures for the PhD in Neurobiology

List of Courses (for first year students): 

Neurophysiology and Neurobiology



Anna Menini

Sensory Systems: Chemical senses

Giada Cellot

Synaptic plasticity: from an ePhys. approach to behavior

Giuliano Taccola

Neural Control of Locomotion

Michele Giugliano

Principles of Computational Neuroscience

Paul Heppenstall Molecular Neurobiology
Katja Reinhard Neuroecology – History, Methods and Insights
Silvia Onesti Structural biology


Nanotechnology and Photonics



Laura Ballerini

Nanotools for Neuroscience

Dan Cojoc

Advanced Optical Microscopy and Manipulation 

Loredana Casalis

AFM imaging: Principles and Applications in Neurobiology


Technical courses (microscopy, cell cultures, etc.)



Micaela Grandolfo

Microscopy techniques

  • Practical demonstrations (students will be divided into groups)

Micaela Grandolfo


Micaela Grandolfo

Fluorescence techniques

Beatrice Pastore


Federica Ferrero

Cell cultures

  • Practical demonstrations

Beatrice Pastore

Primary cultures: dissociated and organotypic cultures

Andrea Tomicich

Information Technology Systems of the Neuroscience Area

Erik Zorzin

Introduction to Electronics


Please find out the program of the courses in 2023-24 in the neurobiology calendar.



Sensory Systems: Chemical Senses

Instructor: Anna Menini Amount of frontal teaching: 15 hours »

Neural Control of Locomotion

Instructor: Giuliano Taccola Amount of frontal teaching: 15 hours »


Principles of Computational Neuroscience (blended + hands-on with UniTs)

Lecturer: Dr. Michele Giugliano Amount of frontal teaching: 28 hours »


New technologies for Molecular Neurobiology

Instructor: Paul Heppenstall Amount of frontal teaching: 15 hours »


Synaptic Function and Nanotools: Physiology at the Nanoscale

Instructor: Laura Ballerini Amount of frontal teaching: 15 hours »

Advanced Optical Microscopy and Manipulation

Instructor: Dan Cojoc Amount of frontal teaching: 15 hours »


AFM imaging: Principles and Application in Neurobiology

Instructor: Loredana Casalis Amount of frontal teaching: 15 hours »

Synaptic plasticity: from an electrophysiological approach to behavioural studies

Instructor: Giada Cellot Amount of frontal teaching: 15 hours»


Neuroecology – History, Methods and Insights

Instructor: Katja Reinhard Amount of frontal teaching: 15 hours»


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