The Course

Molecules and genes modulate how neurons assemble and respond to external stimuli. The assembly of neurons determines how our brain works. This is neurobiology: much more than a single discipline, far beyond a unique approach.

At the International School for Advanced Studies, we offer a set of research and expertise reflecting the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of neurobiology. Our PhD programme combines scientific vivacity and cultural engagement, with a stimulating international work environment and a wide-learning method. All the courses are tailored on students’ needs, providing an exceptionally broadly based education. Teaching is carried out in English

The Neurobiology PhD offers a top-level training activity, based on a deeply problem-oriented approach to research. With six main keywords:

  • Internationality. Our students and post-docs come from all over the world, creating a multicultural and inspiring atmosphere.
  • Specialisation. Dedicated Lectures on Neurobiology by the best experts in the field are given during the whole PhD programme.
  • Collaboration. Frequent interactions with supervisors and other students build a highly cooperative environment.
  • Interdisciplinarity. Our research topics are at the interface between Neuroscience, Advanced Imaging and Bionanotechnogy.
  • Facilities. Access to a variety of innovative experimental tools and direct participation in new projects are guaranteed.
  • Perspective. We encourage a worldwide viewpoint from USA, EU, Middle East and Far East.

All these ingredients set the basis for our students to become the leading researchers in a fascinating and challenging research field.  

Students at SISSA actively collaborate in important scientific publications.
According to the latest available figures, over 41% of all the papers published by SISSA each year involved the participation of students (an average of roughly 400 papers). This percentage has costantly increased in the last five years.


Candidates Selection and Regulations

Candidates Selection and Regulations

Calls, deadline for application and positions available»




SISSA regulation of PhD Courses»


Copyright © 2013 SISSA. Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati

via Bonomea, 265 - 34136 Trieste ITALY