Bionanotechnology and Neuroscience

New techniques developed in bionanotechnology, such as optical tweezers, are used to understand neuronal development.

Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy of ionic channels in situ

This analysis, when combined with molecular dynamical simulations, provides a novel view of the operation of ionic channels (Vincent Torre's lab)»


Molecular mechanisms of force generation in neuronal growth cones

The combination of this technique with conventional histological methods allows the determination of molecular mechanisms of major biological events and the specific role of  several proteins, such ads actin, tubulin (Vincent Torre's lab)»


Imaging of signal transduction in neuronal growth cones

By combining optical tweezers and advanced imaging methods, such as FRET, FRAP and STED we can obtain a precise characterization of signal transduction in growth cones and of the action of guidance molecules (Vincent Torre's lab).»


Growing neuronal networks with controlled 3D organization

This project will capitalize on state-of-the-art techniques in cell culturing and micro-nano manipulation, to envision solutions able to overcome the current limitations of standard in vitro culture methods. (Laura Ballerini's lab) »


Graphene based nanomaterials and excitable cells

The study of the impact of graphene-based nanomaterials on excitable cell electrical behaviour and health, assessment of biocompatibility and of the graphene/biomembrane interactions (Laura Ballerini's lab) »


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