The project is focused on the development of innovative devices and therapeutic protocols based on the nanomechanical response of biomolecular nanostructures.

By these devices, we aim at carrying out high-throughput, high sensitivity and low-cost measurements on large, predetermined diagnostically relevant, subsets of the proteome obtained from very small samples down to the single cell level. We aim also at measuring protein interactions on the proteome scale (Interactomics). Our technology and the newly developed devices will be tested against and applied towards the solution of difficult medical problems, such as the early detection of metastatic cancer and the rational control of drug toxicity, in an innovative feedback-centered way. The project involves the following institutions grouped accordingly with research topic:

Elettra, CNR-IOM, University of Genoa, and University of Udine (Diagnostics)

SISSA, University of Padua, University of Florence and University of Trieste, Institute of Molecular resercah (IFOM) - Milanoand Protos S.r.l (Drug discovery and drug delivery),

Cancer reaserch Hospital of Aviano, Hospital of Udine, Research Hospital Mangiagalli of Milano and Hospital San Filippo Neri - Rome (Clinical research)


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via Bonomea, 265 - 34136 Trieste ITALY