
ByAxon is devoted to the development of a new generation of sensors and electrodes based on nanotechnology materials for neural interfacing.

We aim to design and build a prototype of an active implant that could work directly at the spinal cord (SC) level. This implant will be primary focused on studying the transmission of electrical signals in the SC. To reach this aim, we will develop functional electrical stimulation (FES) electrodes of enhanced adhesion and efficiency by using nanowire coatings. ByAxon is supported by an interdisciplinary consortium, going from material scientists and electronic experts to biologists and clinicians. Our nanotechnology-based approach offers a novel perspective and will be complementary to, but independent from, present neural investigation techniques. Our technology has the potential to provide much-needed breakthroughs in future neuromedicine.

Start Date 1 Jan 2017
End Date 31 Mar 2020

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via Bonomea, 265 - 34136 Trieste ITALY