
The PhD programme in Neurobiology involves several partners primarely located in Trieste and in Italy. Our scientific projects are based on an extenive network of collaborations with international institutes in Europe, USA, China, Japan and Saudi Arabia.

Università di Trieste 

In a recent national evaluation the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR) places the University of Trieste ( ) at the highest level of judgement: "A-Very positive". In the last decades the University of Trieste has reinforced its specialization towards research, education & training especially in the fields of life sciences, biotechnology and translational health research. The University of Trieste, amongst Italian Universities, has the highest percentage of foreign students, who come from as much as 77 different Countries, and is actively involved in contributing to further Europe enlargement and integration of Central Europe Countries through the Central European Initiative.


Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genoa

The IIT Foundation ( was established at the end of 2003  and its mission is the   promotion  Italy's technological development and advanced education. IIT  carries out advanced training in Robotics, Nanotechnology, Neuroscience and Drug Discovery.  The PhD progamme in Neurobiology  at SISSA has several joint projects with IIT at a national and international level in Neuroscience,  Nanothecnology,  Nanophotonics and Imaging. Facilities at IIT will be open to PhD students involved in these joint projects.


ELETTRA Synchrotron Light Laboratory

ELETTRA  ( is a national synchrotron laboratory located in Basovizza on the outskirts of Trieste. The facility, available for use by the Italian and international scientific communities, houses several ultra bright light sources, which use the synchrotron and free electron laser (FEL) sources to produce light ranging from ultraviolet to X-rays.


Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto Officina dei Materiali

IOM (Institute for Materials Manufacturing) is an institute of the National Research Council (CNR), the main Italian public research organisation. It promotes, coordinates and carries out fundamental and applied research activities in the field of physics of matter, through a wide network of research centres based at Italian Universities and at large international research laboratories. TASC (, former National Laboratory of CNR-INFM, is now the headquarters of CNR-IOM with a mission of providing advanced instrumentation and methods for supporting experimental projects in nanoscience and material science for the Italian community of physics of matter.


Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Biophysics Institute

The Biophysics Institute (IBF) ( mission is to apply methodologies and techniques typical of the physical sciences to the study of the structure and functions of biological systems. Over the years, biophysics has firmly established itself as a fundamental discipline whose contributions have gone well beyond the mere application of physical techniques to the study of living systems. It plays a crucial role in the development of new methodologies and establishes ever closer links with other frontier areas of the biological and medical sciences (structure-function relations in biological molecules, molecular biology, bioenergetics, bioinformatics). This evolution has  widened the range of skills required of the individual researcher and has increased the need for teams with diversified specialisations, who are able to tackle problems of ever increasing complexity using complementary approaches.


University of Leiden Medical School

The LUMC is a modern knowledge centre. The more than 7000 staff members of the LUMC are passionate about improving patient care through scientific research. We offer courses of instruction and continuing education to train doctors for this purpose. The LUMC focuses on top clinical and highly specialised care: the complex medical issues for which there are often not yet any answers. With patient care and research labs under one roof, patients, doctors and researchers collaborate to develop new treatment methods. 


University of Antwerp, Department of Biomedical Sciences

UA is a young, dynamic and forward-thinking university. It is a merger (2003) of 3 former universities (RUCA, UFSIA, UIA) and ranked 14th among the “Top 50 Universities Under 50 years” in 2014. With over 1200 PhD students, 600 tenured professors, 300 assistants and 2900 tenured researchers, UA produces 3600+ publications/year. The EC awarded UA the “HR Excellence in Research” quality label. Since 2011, 85 EC projects (FP7, H2020) started at UA.


University of Rijeka, Biotechnology Department

The mission of the Department is to educate highly qualified biotechnology experts to benefit human health, science and economy for the entire community in Croatia and abroad. The Department of Biotechnology strives to provide the best education and research through recruitment and retention of best teachers, scientists and students, by providing the best infrastructure and engaging in collaborative worldwide exchange with the best centers of higher education and research. The establishment of the Department is in accordance with the adopted strategy of the University of Rijeka,which stresses the need to build the research profile of the University and the importance of biotechnology, nanotechnology and information technology. 


Institute of Medical and Physical Medicine, Gervasutta Hospital, Udine


The Center for Cooperative Research in Biomaterials- CIC biomaGUNE, located in San Sebastián (Spain), was officially opened in December 2006. CIC biomaGUNE is a non-profit research organization created to promote scientific research and technological innovation at the highest levels in the Basque Country following the BioBasque policy, in order to create a new business sector based on biosciences. CIC biomaGUNE has established a state of the art research program at the interface between the chemical, biological and physical sciences with a main emphasis on molecular scale properties and applications of biological nanostructures. The final aim of this program is to contribute to the understanding of the function of biological systems at the molecular and nanometer scale.  


IMDEA Nanosciencia

The IMDEA institutes (acronym for Madrid Institute of Advanced Studies) were set up under the legal form of a foundation, with around seven strategic areas for the society of Madrid from a business, scientific and technological point of view: water, diet, energy, materials, nanoscience, networks and software.

IMDEA Nanociencia is a non-profit Foundation created on November 23rd 2006 by initiative of the regional Government of the Community of Madrid in November 2006 in order to shorten the distance between the research and society in the Madrid region and provide new capacity for research, technological development and innovation in the field of Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Molecular Design. The Foundation manages the IMDEA Nanociencia Institute, a new interdisciplinary research Centre dedicated to the exploration of basic nanoscience and the development of applications of nanotechnology in connection with innovative industries. 



Karolinska Institutet is one of the world’s foremost medical universities. Its vision is to advance knowledge about life and strive towards better health for all. As a university, KI is Sweden’s single largest centre of medical academic research and offers the country’s widest range of medical courses and programmes.

Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.


University of Cambridge 

Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, UK

The aim of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (CEB) is to produce the academic, industrial and entrepreneurial leaders of tomorrow, together with the industrial processes and bioscientific advances they will employ. Its strategy is to work at the interfaces between engineering, chemistry, biology and physics creating a unique multidisciplinary research environment within the University of Cambridge, in which collaborations with academic and industrial organisations flourish.  Its research programmes encompass sustainable reaction engineering, chemical product and process design, healthcare, measurement, and (nano)materials science. The fusion of leading biotechnology research with chemical engineering skills, within an ethos of commercial awareness, supports our continuing development and discovery at the science-engineering interface.


Chicago University

Department of Chemistry, the University of Chicago (USA)

Since its inception, the Department has embodied the University's central mission of excellence in both research and teaching.

When the University of Chicago was founded in 1891, one of the first departments established was the Department of Chemistry. Current faculty have considerable strength in inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry, as well as in interdisciplinary research that delves into biology, physics, and materials science. 




The French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) is among the world's leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public.


University of Manchester (UNIMAN)

National Graphene Institute (NGI)

The National Graphene Institute (NGI) is the national centre for graphene research in the UK, drawing in specialists from across the globe. It houses state-of-the-art cleanrooms, plus laser, optical, metrology and chemical labs and equipment - the ideal environment for world-class graphene research. Industry has a vital role to play in just how the world's first 2D material will be used. The NGI will not only house academics carrying out fundamental research but also industrial partners. The NGI is focused on collaboration between The University of Manchester and its partners to develop graphene applications of the future.


Bar-Ilan University

Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University campus, Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv -Israel

Bar-Ilan University, founded in 1955, was one of the first comprehensive research universities to be established in Israel. The university has 8 faculties: Jewish Studies, Medicine, Engineering, Law, Life Science, Exact Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities.  Seeking “Impact beyond Excellence”, BIU is currently in a vibrant transformational period of creating challenge-driven research centers which embrace practical research designed to change and improve the human experience. Research within the Faculty of Neuronal Engineering aims to unveil the basic mechanisms underlying neuronal development and growth leveraging this knowledge to obtain methods for promoting neuronal regeneration, and for targeted drug delivery. 



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via Bonomea, 265 - 34136 Trieste ITALY